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B2C ecommerce website

Create an interactive, multilingual, and feature-rich custom ecommerce website that includes custom functionalities to address your business requirements.

  • -Bulk data management with backup features
  • -Add and manage products according to the availability
  • -Easy order and transaction management
  • -Promote seasonal discounts and offers

Overview of the Project

The goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive B2B eCommerce website specializing in bulbs. The website will facilitate seamless transactions, order management, and user-friendly navigation for both administrators and registered users.


  • Mobile-First Approach
  • Experience the conversion-friendly mobile user interface which provides ease to your customers to
  • Custom UI as per your requirement
  • Flexibility and Scalability
  • Customized & feature-rich application
  • Not dependent on the plugin
  • Higher security
  • On-Time Cost no Recurring Payment
  • No unwanted code high performance on SEO
  • The lightweight site gives better ad rank on Google Adwords, Social & digital marketing
  • Conversion-focused custom business workflow

Significant Modules of the Application For Front End Users, Website Visitors.

Registration and Login :

  • User registration with mobile OTP and personal information..
  • Secure user authentication and session management are implemented.
  • Secure login after registration.

Profile Management :

  • Update personal profile information.
  • Upload and manage various documents and verification status.
  • Change Password and Reset Password
  • Change and reset passwords securely.
  • Logout securely to end the session.

Prouduct Information :

  • View product listings.
  • Filter products by featured and new arrivals.
  • Access detailed product information
  • Prices are hidden until login.

Order Management :

  • View order history and details.
  • Add products to cart.
  • Make payments securely.
  • Receive order success/failure notifications via email.

Admin Management

Unlock the technical possibilities to assist your business growth with Nextwebi's insight-driven and result-oriented IT Services

Login Screen
  • Admins use their registered email addresses to access the admin portal.
  • Admins access the login screen by visiting the admin portal URL.
  • They are prompted to enter their User Id and password.
Admin Dashboard:
  • After login, admins are redirected to the admin dashboard.
  • The dashboard provides access to admin functionalities without requiring additional role-based information
  • Super Admins have access to all features, while other roles are not applicable in this job/internship management, user account management, inquiry handling, and more.
  • Admins can log out of the admin portal to end their sessions securely.
  • Session expiration is implemented for added security.
Password Recovery:
  • In case an admin forgets their password, a "Forgot Password" feature allows them to reset it securely.
  • Similar to the login process, a verification link/token is sent via email for password reset.
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):
  • Implement role-based access control (RBAC) to manage admin permissions effectively.
  • Define different admin roles, such as:
  • Super Admin: Has full access to all admin functionalities.
  • Category Management Admin: Manages product categories and subcategories.
  • Product Management Admin: Manages products, pricing, and inventory.
  • Order Management Admin: Manages orders and handles order-related actions.
  • Customer Management Admin: Manages customer accounts and inquiries.
  • Analytics and Reporting Admin: Access to analytical and reporting tools.
Login Screen:
  • Admins access the login screen by visiting the admin portal URL.
  • Super admin will create login information. They are prompted to enter their User id and password.
  • Upon successful login, admins are redirected to the admin portal.
  • In addition to email and password, they select their role from a list (e.g., Super Admin, Category Management Admin, etc.).
  • The selected role determines their access permissions within the admin portal.
Additional Role Information:
  • After role selection, admins may be prompted to provide additional information specific to their role.
  • Category Management Admins might specify preferred categories they manage.
  • Product Management Admins might define product-related policies.
  • Role Admins can log out of the admin portal to end their sessions securely.
  • Session expiration is implemented for added security.
Password Recovery:
  • In case an admin forgets their password, a "Forgot Password" feature allows them to reset it securely.
  • Similar to the login process, a verification link/token is sent via email for password reset.
Total Sales:
  • View the cumulative sales amount generated on the platform.
  • Updated in real-time to provide the latest sales figures.
Total Orders:
  • Track the overall number of orders placed on the platform.
  • A quick snapshot of order activity to gauge business volume.
Total Products:
  • Display the total count of products available on the platform.
  • Helps in understanding the product range and variety offered.
Total Inquiries:
  • Monitor the total number of inquiries or messages received from users.
  • Provides insights into user engagement and interest.
Last 10 Orders:
  • Display a summary of the ten most recent orders made.
  • Includes order number, date, status, and total amount.
  • Allows for quick tracking and reference of recent orders.
Additional Analytics:

Graphical Representation:

  • Visualize important metrics using various graphs (e.g., bar charts, line graphs, pie charts).
  • Key analytics like sales trends, order distribution, product popularity, etc.
  • Customize the time period (daily, weekly, monthly) for analytics.
  • Add Banner Dynamic:

    Under "Seasons Home Page Banner Updates". Banner name, SEO, and images will be managed dynamically.

  • Add Brands Dynamic:

    Ability to add, update, delete, and view brands dynamically.

  • Add Category Dynamic:

    Dynamic addition of categories with status options like "publish" and "draft".

  • Add Dynamic HSNCODE:

    Include HSNCODE with tax percentage dynamically.

  • Standard Shipping Cost:

    Option to set the standard shipping cost under general settings.

  • Create Sub Category:

    Ability to create sub-categories for more organized categorization.

  • Color Names Dynamic:

    Dynamic management of color names.

  • Category & Sub Category Page-level Update:

    Enable updates at the category and sub-category page levels.

  • Admin Series Listing:

    Based on brand and category, admins can add series with complete information like title, URL, thumbnail image, SEO info, and gallery. Manage series status with options to publish and draft.

Product Management:
Create, View, Edit, and Delete Products:
  • Create:
    Admins can add new products by providing essential details such as brand, category, series, HSN code, wattage, prices, and more.
  • View:
    A comprehensive list of all products available for quick review and access to detailed information.
  • Edit:
    Modify product details like specifications, pricing, images, etc., as needed.
  • Delete:
    Remove products that are no longer available or relevant.
Manage Product Details:
  • Assign products to specific:
    • Brand:
      Categorize products by the brand they belong to.
    • Category:
      Place products in appropriate categories for easy navigation.
    • Series:
      Associate products with related series for effective grouping.
    • HSN Code:
      Input Harmonized System Nomenclature (HSN) codes for accurate taxation.
Dynamic Pricing and Stock Management:
  • Set dynamic pricing based on various factors such as quantity, size, or other attributes.
  • Efficiently manage and update stock information for each product.
SEO-Friendly URLs, Tags, and Metadata:
  • Create SEO-friendly URLs for each product to enhance search rankings.
  • Assign relevant tags and metadata to improve searchability and categorization.
Product Image and Gallery Management:
  • Upload multiple images for each product, showcasing different angles and features.
  • Organize and manage product images effectively in a gallery format.
Product FAQs and Featured Product Designation:
  • Add Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to the product to address common queries.
  • Mark products as "featured" to highlight them on the website, increasing their visibility.
Access to User Profiles:
  • Admins have access to user profiles, including candidates and other registered users.
  • They can view user information and statuses.
User Information:
  • Admins can see detailed user information, including but not limited to:
  • Candidate Code
  • Name
  • Email
  • Candidate Code
  • Address,Delivery Location
  • Bussiness Name,GST NO
  • Date Range (From and To)
  • Mobile Number
  • -Business Front Premises Photo,Profile Photo,Business Address Proof,Business Stock with Owner Photo
  • Candidate Status
Search Functionality:
  • Admins can use search filters to locate specific user profiles.
  • Search parameters may include:
    • Name
    • Email
    • Candidate Code
    • Adress
    • Experience
    • Date Range (From and To)
    • Mobile Number
Viewing User Profiles:
  • Admins can view user profiles individually by selecting them from search results.
  • The profiles display comprehensive information about the selected user, including personal details, experience, and status.
Bulk Actions (Optional):
  • Depending on system functionality, admins may have the option to perform bulk actions on user profiles, such as updating statuses or exporting user data.
Filter Orders:
  • Dates: View orders within a specified date range.
  • Delivery Status: Filter orders by their delivery status (e.g., dispatched, in transit, delivered).
  • Payment Status: Filter orders by their payment status (e.g., pending, completed).
  • Order ID: Search for a specific order using its unique order ID.
View Latest Orders:

Access a summarized list of the most recent orders placed on the platform.

Export Orders:

Export filtered orders into an Excel sheet for further analysis and record-keeping.

User Engagement:
  • View Subscribed User's Emails: Access emails of subscribed users who received coupons for their first order.
  • View Contact Form Details: View and respond to users who filled out the contact form.
  • Order Status Updates:
    • Packing: Prepare the order for shipping.
    • Dispatch: Send the order for delivery.
    • In Logistics: Update tracking ID and link for order tracking.
    • Delivered: Confirm successful delivery of the order.
    Payment Management:
    • Set Payment: Mark the payment as completed, either manually or by adding payment links.
    • Cancel Payment: Cancel payment if necessary.
    Order Modification:
    • Generate Receipt: Create a receipt for the order.
    • Take Print for Dispatch: Print order details for dispatching.
    • Cancel Order: Cancel an order if necessary.
    • Delete Order: Permanently remove an order.